FAQ : Login / Account Related

1.What is My Account?
'My Account' is the section where you can view your Personal Information, Order History and Shopping List
My Shopping List is a comprehensive list of all the items previously ordered by you on VNF Product. This enables you to shop quickly and easily in future.

2. I am unable to login

You may have entered incorrect login details. Please enter the correct information & try again.

3. How do I reset my password?

You need to enter your email address on the Login page and click on forgot password. An email with a reset password will be sent to your email address. With this, you can change your password. In case of any further issues please contact our customer support team.

4. What is My Shopping List?

My Shopping List is a comprehensive list of all the items previously ordered by you on VNF Product. This enables you to shop quickly and easily in future.

FAQ : Registration

1. How do I register?

You can register by clicking on the "Register" link at the top right corner of the homepage. Please provide the information in the form that appears. You can review the terms and conditions, provide your payment mode details and submit the registration information

2. Can I register multiple times using the same phone number/email ID?

Each email ID/login ID and mobile number can only be associated with one customer account.

3. Are there any charges for registration?

No. Registration on vnfproducts.com is absolutely free.

4. Do I have to necessarily register to shop on VNF Product?

You can surf and add products to the cart without registration but only registered shoppers will be able to checkout and place orders. Registered members have to be logged in at the time of checking out the cart, they will be prompted to do so if they are not logged in